Chanukah Photos

Happy Chanukah!

Updated: December 1, 2020

Images also available on Facebook at:

Chanukah 5776 - 2015

Eighth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Eighth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Seventh Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Seventh Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Fifth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Fifth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Fifth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Fifth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Fifth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Fifth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Fifth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Fifth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Fifth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Fifth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Fifth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Ma'ale Adumim Bus 175 - Chanukah Sameach - Happy Chanukah

Sign in Musar Avicha Synagogue in Ma'ale Adumim

Fourth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Fourth Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Third Night Chanukah
Nusach Achid Synagogue in Ma'ale Adumim

Third Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Second Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Second Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

First Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

First Night Chanukah
Ma'ale Adumim

Chanukiyot near the sidewalk
Sderot Eshkol, Jerusalem

Chanukah Menora
Ramat Eshkol Shopping Center, Jerusalem

Stay Refreshed with Mentos
Display at Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Chanukah Shows on DVD
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Hot 2015 Chanukah Shows
Great Sale!!!
2 Movies for 49.90 shekels instead of 100
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

The Maccabees
The Spectacular Musical for the Whole Family

Happy Chanukah
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Chanukah
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Chanukah
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Chanukah - Elite Chocolates
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Chanukah - Yogueta
Co-op Supermarket in Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Happy Chanukah - Yogueta
Co-op Supermarket in Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Happy Chanukah - Kinder
Co-op Supermarket in Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Chanukah Kinder Display
Co-op Supermarket in Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Chanukah 5775 - 2014

My Chanukiya - 8th Chanukah Candle in Ma'ale Adumim, Israel

"Happy Chanukah" - Bus 25 in front of Binyanei Hauma, Jerusalem

Happy Chanukah
Chabad Electric Chanukiya at the Light Rail Station opposite the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem

Chanukiya on top of the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem

Chanukiya on top of the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem

Chanukiya at the entrance of the Rami Levy Supermarket in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem

Chanukah aisle at the Rami Levy Supermarket in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem

"Happy Chanukah" at the Rami Levy Supermarket in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem

"These Candles are Holy" at the Rami Levy Supermarket in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem

"A Great Miracle Happened Here" at the Rami Levy Supermarket in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem

Electric Chanukiyot on Kanfei Nesharim Street in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem

Electric Chanukiyot on Kanfei Nesharim Street in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem

My Chanukiya - 7th Chanukah Candle in Ma'ale Adumin, Israel

Entrance to Adumim Canion (mall) - Chabad: Happy Chanukah

Happy Chanukah - Chocolates and Dreidels Bag
Steimetsky Bookstore

Happy Chanukah - Chocolates and Dreidels Bag
Steimetsky Bookstore

Menorah at the Entrance of Co-op Supermarket
Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Menorah at the Entrance of Co-op Supermarket
Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Inviting Friends?
Need to bring Refreshments?
Ask our Baker to prepare for you
Sufganiot to Complete the Event

Hot, Fresh, Tasty and Worthwhile

Co-op Supermarket
Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Sufganiyot - Co-op Supermarket
Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Ma'ale Adumim Public Library

Ma'ale Adumim Public Library

Happy Festival of Lights
Ma'ale Adumim Public Library

My Chanukiya on a ladder in front of my living room window
3rd Chanukah Candle in Ma'ale Adumim

Ma'ale Adumim Bus 174 - Happy Festival of Lights

Happy Chanukah! Street banner in Jerusalem near Binyanei Hauma

Musical Dreidel

Dreidel Cookie Cutter

New! - Chanukah Money - Win up to 10,000 Shekels

(Only in Israel - Chanukah themed lottery tickets)

Happy Chanukah! A sweet experience for the whole family.

New - Sufganiyot Donuts Mix

Lighting Oil - No smoke, No smell

Unbreakable Chanukah Glasses (to hold menorah oil)

Deluxe Chanukah Candles

Chanukah Candles

"These Candles are Holy" - Chanukah Menorah

"Reebaht Toot" - Strawberry Jam Sufganiyot

"Reebaht Chalav" - Dulce de Leche (sweet caramel) Sufganiyot

Chanukah Magnets being sold in Steimatzky Bookstore

Electronic Dreidel being sold in Steimatzky Bookstore

The pink Israeli dreidel has the letter "Pay".
"Nes Gadol Haya Po"
A Great Miracle Happened Here
(Galut dreidels have a "Shin" for "Sham" - there)

Elite Chocolate Boxes - Happy Chanukah!

Elite Chocolate Boxes - Happy Chanukah!

Elite Chocolate Boxes - Happy Chanukah!

Chanukah 5774 - 2013

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