Ma'aleh Adumim - Useful Information

Radio Reception in Ma'aleh Adumim

Note: In some areas of Ma'ale Adumim you may hear Jordan stations
on the same frequencies.
Radio Ma'ale Adumim = 106.0
Galei Yisrael (nationalistic / religious) = 102.5
Reshet Bet = 95.2
Reshet Gimmel = 90.5
Reshet Moreshet (religious) = 105.2
Reshed Daled (Arabic) = 93.7

Ma'aleh Adumim Library Hours
Updated: February 1, 2019
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9:00-18:45
Monday: 9:00 - 13:45

Wednesday: Closed

Friday: 9:00 - 11:45

Library doors will be locked 15 minutes before closing.

Phone: 535-7108

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