Gramin þ2012 by Benjie Herskowitz Iranian scientists are becoming, an endangered species Victims of “accidents,” and ending up in tiny pieces Why in the world, would anyone want such a job? One day - fine, the next - a blob… Boaz Yonah ran to Italy, to avoid sitting in jail But in the end, his escape route, actually didn’t fail Maybe his company built the prison buildings, as well Cause, both he and the prison are guilty, of not supplying enough places to dwell Mr. Rami Levi is our Man of the Year Saving us money, fighting corruption, with no fear Perhaps if he were to enter politics, he’d succeed in cleaning up that mess On second thought, we are taught not to rely on a “nes” Freezing construction, allowing no houses to be built Evicting families from their homes, without the slightest of guilt In November, President Obama will learn a lesson - me-dah kineged me-dah When tossed from his own House, will be the former World Leader There is a certain dictator, in the country of Iran Who is thoroughly convinced, he has a fool-proof plan We wouldn’t be so cocky, if we were in his place Cause it’s not just his plan, that will blow up in his face The rains have been coming down, it’s a pleasure to see The Kinneret is filling up, albeit - gradually The weather also stimulates the economy, we gotta tell ya Cause after just one storm, ya gotta replace your umbrella The country of Turkey, is now a radical Arab nation - Israelis can no longer call, a possible tourist destination Breaking relations with Israel, and bad mouthing the Jew Proves that "Turkey"'s not just it’s name, but a fitting description too. Amalek, Haman, and Sadaam of Iraq Quadaffi, Assad and Egypt’s Mubarak Achmadenajad would be wise to take a history lesson Cause it’s not just with us, but with The One Above, that he’s a messin. After being convicted, of embezzlement and more Former Minister Benizri has displayed, chutzpa galore Now that he’s out, there’s one thing he’ll miss - without fail Davaning with a minyan, due to all the other Shas guys in jail. This past year, has seen some ups and some downs With our country being run, by jokers and clowns All we can pray for, is Hashem’s guidance to obtain - The coming of Moshaich, bimheirah beyanmenu, amen!