Top Ten Ways You Know You Are a Recent Oleh By Sarah Bronson Jerusalem July 2003 10. When people hear you just made aliyah, they say "oh, did you come with Nefesh b'Nefesh?" 9. For the first time since your college days, you don't have a credit card. 8. Kosher Food Court at the central bus station brings tears of joy to your eyes. 7. You've liquidated all your assets to buy a car before the "rights" are cancelled. 6. You know your eyesight and blood pressure are OK because you just had a "complete physical" at the place across the street from MEMSI 5. You are on Janglo, Tachlis, IsraeEmploy, and NBN's Yahoo group, AND you get newsletters from AACI, Tehilla, NBN, and Merkaz Hamagshimim. 4. You think the cats are cute. 3. When other olim tell you they've been here for three years, you think "wow, I can't wait to be vatikim like them." 2. You are on a first-name basis with the people at Home Center. 1. When olim who arrived before this intifada hear you just made aliyah, they say "you came now?...Why?"