Two articles about Ariel Sharon by William Safire -------------------- The 'New' Sharon? February 8, 2001 NY Times - Essay By William Safire WASHINGTON — Strange, how conservative hawks — Churchill, de Gaulle, Nixon, now Ariel Sharon — can survive years in the political wilderness until warlike circumstances impel their nations to turn to them. This week's 2-to-1 landslide in Israel was not an election that hinged on a sudden popularity of Sharon, or the collapse of support for Ehud Barak after Palestinians would not accept his virtual surrender at Camp David. This election marked a reinvigoration of Zionism. Though many Israelis had flirted with "post-Zionism," evidently a strong majority of Jews in Israel awakened to realize that a secular triumph at home and a dreamy belief in the good will of implacable enemies on their borders would lead to the doom of a Jewish state. "We need to raise a Zionist flag," Sharon told me from a car phone on the way home after his first day as prime minister-elect, "to reinstill national pride, to stimulate immigration to Israel. The nation is completely torn and has more doubts, and a lack of national pride weakens us. I'll put the portfolio of education in Likud hands to give our young people the Zionist education we didn't have for many years. We must strengthen their roots in our land." He had promised, back when he was nobody, to return my call the first day he won the top job, and Arik, unlike some politicians, is a man of his word. "I'm going to form a new economic committee, headed by me, to prepare for a new, free economy. I'll propose immediate reduction of taxes, like you in America." The Knesset is still split to smithereens and the defeated Labor party, with Barak suddenly quitting its leadership, is in disarray. Can Sharon form a government that will last at least until the next parliamentary elections in two years? "I will have a national unity government," he says confidently. He's been reaching out to his friendly rival Shimon Peres, to Labor's Avraham Burg and Haim Ramon. "Burg called me today and said they would like to have it." But Arik — if you bring in the left that vilified you as a warmonger, what about your base on the right that fears you may be co-opted by unrealistic peacemongers? "I can talk to all of them, the secular and religious, the Orthodox. I'll make an effort to create a different atmosphere with the Arab public." Though he cautions, "Look, it's not only hard to get elected, it's also hard to be prime minister," he is delighted by the sudden realization of his lifelong dream. Will he enlist former Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu in his government? Sharon did not sound enthusiastic: "I will approach him, of course, but I think that his answer will be negative." He thinks that Bibi thinks Sharon's administration will fall in a few months, opening the chance for Bibi to run for prime minister, with a more stable Knesset. Sharon's assessment of Bibi's view is accurate, which is too bad; Bibi, a generation younger than Arik, would be well advised to pitch in now, when Israel needs articulate hard-line voices, and make his move later. One comeback at a time. Both Labor on the left and Shas on the right would lose seats to Likud if they forced an early election; that gives Sharon's government a strange stability. "I have friends who are Palestinians, too, among Arafat's closest people." What about the virulent attacks from Arabs about his election? "You don't hear those attacks from the close-in circle. We have been in communication for weeks." Will there be a "new Sharon," as doves hope and realists fear? "I learned one thing over many years: to listen to people who talk to me, but not to listen to things said about me. I have my red lines. Maybe that's why I'll be able to conduct negotiations with the Palestinians, because yes is yes and no is no, though in other conditions yes might become no and no might become yes. "They know I will guard a united and undivided Jerusalem and other areas crucial to the security of Israel. They understand they can negotiate with me but not as long as the terror doesn't stop. Excuse me, I have a call from the White House coming in. Did I tell you Tony Blair called from London, and the prime minister of Canada? Reach me at home tonight." I did; more next time. -------------------- Sharon the Unifier February 12, 2001 ESSAY By WILLIAM SAFIRE WASHINGTON "The Israeli nation needs unity," said Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon, continuing our phone conversation, "to try to overcome all the hatred and the unbelievable splits. Arguments have always been part of political life here, but never as bad as this. "It's not only that the parties are splintered between each other," the last of the warrior-patriarchs went on, "but now they are splintered from inside. The good thing is that I can talk to all of them." His job is not merely to cobble together a national-unity government with a majority in the Knesset. (Natan Sharansky as foreign minister? The slot may not be open.) Sharon's harder task, after the exposure of the Oslo fraud, is to forge a sense of unity and purpose among Jewish and Arab Israelis at home and among Israel supporters abroad. The Labor Party, his first choice for coalition partner, is a prime example of splinter stress. The appeasement scales seem to have fallen from the eyes of Shimon Peres after last month's public humiliation by Yasir Arafat at Davos. If the arch-appeaser Yossi Beilin marches his discredited faction off to the ultra-left, that's one internal split to be desired. It would permit the saddened center of Labor to join a government of national realism. Will Sharon, to attract the eyes- opened left, adopt any of the sweeping concessions made vainly by Ehud Barak, his naïve predecessor? "The Palestinians know there will not be any negotiations as long as the terror doesn't stop. They know I'll prevent entrance of Palestinian refugees, which would be a disaster to Israel. They know I will guard an undivided Jerusalem, with the Temple Mount the holiest place of the Jewish people." And yet, Sharon is asking himself: What action can he take to show the world that he "really, seriously" means to negotiate with the Palestinians? "We will have to go a different way, with a different plan, because Barak's plan failed." Anyone who has been schlepped by Sharon around Judea and Samaria in a helicopter knows that this former general has his specific plan. For years, on a settlement hilltop, he would hang a map on a fence and show to visitors (including George W. Bush two years ago) his concept of a defensible Israel next to a contiguous state including virtually all the Palestinians on about half the West Bank. Sharon's potential proposal is not as dreamily self-defeating as the Clinton- Barak bridge to nowhere, but has this practical advantage the other never did: Sharon in power can now deliver what he promises. He is more of a diplomat than his "bulldozer" image suggests. Since the unity of Jerusalem is central to his Zionist reaffirmation, did Sharon ask President Bush, in their recent phone call, about moving the U.S. Embassy there? "It's very important, but was not suitable in this conversation." He dispatched Avi Posner, Israel's most persuasive multilingual diplomat, to European leaders; this week, his three wise men (Moshe Arens, Zalman Shoval, Dore Gold) will arrive in Washington. They will not be talking just about Palestinian rejectionism; strategy in the Middle East involves a broad range of mutual interests. For example, in a breakfast talk with Sharon a few days before his reassertion of sovereignty at the Temple Mount, I asked about Iraq. "Not a backward people, but an insane country," he remarked. With plutonium from Russia and uninspected by the U.N., Saddam's scientists could have a nuclear bomb next year; that would profoundly affect strategy both in the U.S. and Israel. I suspect former Defense Minister Arens will be discussing global missile defense this week at the Pentagon. Arafat's intifada may be a migraine headache but Saddam's bomb would be an existential threat. Sharon, who speaks fluent Russian, is aware of Iran's tacit agreement with Russia not to supply Islamic Chechen rebels even as Vladimir Putin pays off by advancing Iran's nuclear development. Though Sharon would like to provide the U.S. an economic and technological bridge to Russia, "Israel will remain Western and American in orientation. We have to take into consideration President Bush's policy about Russia." Arik Sharon, the hardliner, has always surprised friends with his combination of cunning and openness, familial constancy and political resilience, sense of mission and sense of humor. What greater surprise than Sharon, the unifier?   Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company