Is Occupation Really The Reason For Today's Violence? By: Jan Wilhem van der Hoeven, Director International Christian Zionist Center April 2002 Is there then no one among you "courageous and objective reporting journalists or diplomats for that matter, who can muster enough honesty to ask the needed, maybe difficult, but certainly intelligent questions to those Arab spokespersons who falsely claim that all the gruesome terror 'is only' in response to the illegal occupation by Israel or the territories! I always wait for one truly independent journalist to ask: but why does Israel occupy your territory? Was it not in response to your aggression at the outset of the Six-Day war that forced Israel to deal in six days with that aggression, an aggression which announced aim was the destruction and dismantling of the state of Israel? Is it not precisely because you never wanted to accept a sovereign Jewish state - however small - as the piece allotted to them by the United Nations partition plan - that Israel today occupies 'your land'. Is it not true that Israel is still occupying 'your lands'because up to this day it is YOU, not them, who refuse to live in peace and dignity with your home come brother? Is it not abundantly clear for all those who have the intelligence and honesty to be informed of the facts that you are still occupied by Israel not because Israel wanted it, but because you failed again and again to take hold of Israel's outstretched hand that offered you peace and nearly all the territories - as then lately and under the auspices of President Clinton - if you would only stop your terror and designs to dismantle the Jewish State? How dare you then suggest that terror has any justification or relation to Israel's occupation of 'your lands'? Why are the journalists and politicians who are often so ready to ask the difficult and critical questions to Israeli spokespersons hardly ever capable of asking these most simple and straightforward questions to the Arab spokespersons? What binds them or prevents them to do so? Of whom or what are they afraid? Is it because they want to be seen 'in with their colleagues' and the critical line that many of them have chosen to adopt towards Israel? Hungry for their colleagues and their superior's approval? Is their no one with fortitude of character to be really truthful and objective? Is there no one among you who, that whatever the cost to himself and his popularity dares to say it as it is? Would Britain's journalists have had any sympathy and understanding for Argentineans who would have sent their suicide bombers all over England exploding themselves in undergrounds, shops, restaurants, buses, market places and Christmas dinner parties claiming only to do so because Britain occupied 'their Falkland Islands'. Would the journalists of this world have accepted with equal understanding such claims and excuses for similar horrifying and indiscriminate massacres and uncontrolled lynching of British soldier's by Argentinean "freedom fighters," that we have experienced of late at the hands of Palestinian terrorists here in Israel? I wonder!