A Diplomatic Perfidy by Emanuel A. Winston, Mid East Analyst & Commentator March 3, 2002 Let’s start with the non-offer of Saudi Arabia’s Prince Abdullah. This is a connect-the-dots investigation so let’s begin with the second ‘Dot’. Saudi Arabia tells us in a commentary since "withdrawn", that the dove and ever available voice of the State Department, Tom Friedman, tells the world that the Arab nations will recognize Israel IF she accepts the Arafat/Barak plan to withdraw to the pre-1967 borders which are really the 1948-9 armistice lines, including the division of Jerusalem. Their spurious pledge of ‘normalization’ floats out of an Arab’s mouth as easily as breathing - always supported by the NEW YORK TIMES who has been hyping the fiction of peace which has never occurred. [Note! The first Dot: The planting of this idea seems to have first originated in the U.S. State Department, carried to Saudi Arabia by Tom Friedman and voiced by the NEW YORK TIMES February 6th. Friedman is very creative.] "His article is in the form of an "imaginary letter" from President Bush to Arabs heads of state urging members of Arab League to offer Isarel full recognition and peace in return for Israel’s complete withdrawal to 1967 boundaries." (1) That withdrawal would be suicidal for Israel, a vital fact which is well understood by the Arabs and the State Department. Friedman followed this with another column February 17th where he put words in the mouth of Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud that "1. he had these ideas in a speech in his desk drawer. 2. He didn’t expect America to blame Saudi Arabia for the fact that 15 out of 19 9/11 terrorists were Saudis. And 3. The Saudi leader warned America NOT to strike Iran or Iraq because it would NOT serve the interests of America, the region or the world -as there is not clear evidence of a present danger." (2) This pre-prepared announcement ignores its simultaneous denial or cancellation by the Saudi Prince. Suddenly a host of "Shrink Israel" advocates appear in the Media, primed to pop up to accept the fake or denied Saudi plan. Let us recall that Saudi Arabia has, for the past 40+ years, been the main bank for anti-Israel terrorists including the 1700 Muslim mosques in America that regularly preach anti-American sermons. Not exactly a reliable advocate for peace with Israel but a voice echoing Osama bin Laden’s Wahhabi-style Islam (i.e. radical, extreme fundamentalist Islam), wherein according to Koranic teachings, a temporary peace may be made with the enemy until the Muslims are strong enough to attack that enemy with whom you have signed a peace treaty. That is considered a ‘Hudna’,similar to the agreement Mohammed made with the Jewish Qaraish tribe, called the Hudaibiya Treaty wherein he promised peace but returned in two years when he was stronger militarily and massacred the Qaraish, selling the women and children who weren’t murdered into slavery. Yassir Arafat, when speaking in Arabic, frequently refers to the Hudaibiya Treaty to explain away any short term agreement he makes with Israel. An agreement with an Arab, therefore, will last only as long as he wishes it to last. Let’s not forget that Saudi Arabia has participated in most of the Arab/Israeli wars and has never agreed to a peace agreement with Israel. In keeping with their duplicitous behavior, Crown Prince Abdullah floated his non-plan in order to recapture American public opinion which was disenchanted by the cruel fact that 15 out of 19 of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis. At the same time, the Saudi Ambassador to the U.N. was savagely attacking Israel - with the approval of the U.N. delegates - a replay of the Durban, South Africa conference which was used as an Arab/Muslim inspired anti-Semitic pogrom against Israel. Suddenly, we also find the General who emerged as a closet dove, Colin L. Powell, Secretary of the State Department, enthusiastically accepting this fake plan as if it were a gold-plated icon, gilded with truth. Moving over to the Israel scene, one finds more dots to connect. A small number of reserve Leftist officers signed a letter, published in dedicated Leftist Israeli papers, that they will not serve in Judea, Samaria (which would include Jerusalem) or Gaza. This was cheered by Arafat, the Arabs, Muslims generally and the Europeans as a sign that Israel was ripe to cave in on the timely plan offered by the Saudis at the behest of the U.S. State Department. Shortly after that, Ami Ayalon, former head of the Shin Bet (Israel’s Secret Service) who had been appointed by a Leftist government says: "I’m surprised that more soldiers did not disobey ‘illegal’ orders". This is a Big Dot since Ayalon was positioned to subvert both his staff and his investigative officers for years, tilting them over to the Leftist cause of the Labor and Meretz Parties. On further examination of this letter of rebellion, there is every indication that the soldiers did not act spontaneously but rather, at the instigation of Labor/Meretz Leftists both in and out of government. This act is usually called sedition. After this letter of revolt appeared, the accommodating Leftist media featured Yossi Sarid, a radical Leftist dressed in a suit and tie, passing out bumper stickers demanding withdrawal from the territories. Behind him, with well prepared signs, are other Leftists carrying signs echoing a similar theme. These events add up all neat and tidy as a clearly well planned and coordinated campaign to resurrect the dishonored and moribund Oslo Accords. Of course, this includes the forced transfer of Jews in Judea, Samaria, Gaza, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights whose homes and industries will be turned over, intact, to an influx of Arabs in order to create another state of Palestine. Add a Dot. Meanwhile, we find Yossi Beilin being welcomed by the higher ranks in the European Union joining together, demanding that Arafat be released from house arrest to do as he will, with Beilin asking the E.U. nations to press Prime Minister Ariel (Arik) Sharon’s withdrawal from the heartland territories of Israel and to establish a Palestinian Sate. (Recent reports expose that Beilin has been receiving 400,000 or more Shekels (approximately $100,000 American dollars) as a kind of honorarium from the E.U. to support his Leftist activities. The European Union countries, well-known for their hostility to Israel and the E.U.’s genuflecting to Arab oil, then blesses Abdullah’s non-proposal. One can be sure this cup of friendship contains hemlock, a poisoned brew. Add another Dot. At the same time Foreign Minister Shimon Peres is similarly courting President Jacques Chirac of France to pressure Israel - which Chirac does in a public announcement - generating a wave of anti-Semitism in France conducted by young Muslim thugs. Add another Dot. Some may recall a similar activity at the beginning of the first Arafat set-up ‘intifada’ in December of 1987, when then Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin was in Washington requesting President Bush, Sr. to pressure Israel while then Foreign Minister Shimon Peres was visiting President Francois Mitterrand of France and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of England to force Israel into an International Peace Conference where Israel would be alone against all the other nations who would push Israel to give up everything in Israel’s heartland. Suspiciously, both Rabin and Peres refused to return back home to put down the growing ‘intifada’ (insurrection) for at least two weeks. Why was that? That’s not merely a Dot but a vast Black Hole of treachery. With the Abdullah plan offered and withdrawn in the same breath through the Tom Friedman NYT’s conduit, all of the Leftist players have jumped aboard a fiction made real by the simple proclamation that it’s real. All of this fakery being touted now has a life of its own. However, knowing Israel cannot safely withdraw to the pre-1967 lines, the Saudis are responding to Arik Sharon’s offer to discuss Abdullah’s plan by saying "there is nothing more to discuss". Can Saudi Arabia pledge that Arafat will cease arming himself and launching attacks from a new ‘state of Palestine’, once it is pressed up against Isarel’s weakened, vulnerable borders? Will America trust a country that spawned 15 of the 19 terrorists of 9/11 as well as Osama bin Laden? Is this to be another frosty Camp David Accord as with Egypt, where the peace is not only frozen cold but where the Egyptians have built a colossal army with more than $48 Billion free American taxpayers’ dollars but is yet pledged to war against Israel? The Camp David Accords also pledged normalization - which never happened. For the Arabs and Muslims, the word "normalization" is a throw-away word meant to massage the West but never to be implemented. Hosni Mubarak arrived in Washington March 2nd to resurrect his false role as ‘Peace Broker’ and ask for more money and weapons to continue his stockpiling of weapons for war against Israel. Will Arik Sharon accept an old-fashioned straight razor handed to him with the blade exposed ready for cutting? I wonder if Arik noticed the prayers and speeches at the recent Haj ceremonies in Mecca, Saudi Arabia where Israel and the Jews were cursed again and again? Regrettably, Sharon entered into office with such expressions as "I am ready to make painful concessions." Only lately we learn what he meant is that he accepts another Palestinian State. We were surprised when Gen. Colin Powell turned out to be a dedicated closet dove. Arik has always proven himself an outstanding General in war but now he comes out of the closet as a fellow traveler of the Peres Osloids thought process and, therefore, an aging closet dove. Should we be surprised and shocked? Arafat sees himself once again rescued by all those who do not mean well for Israel. Some are clearly malevolent and some are merely shy of a few important brain cells but all are ready to risk Israel’s existence on the non-pledge of a radical Muslim regime and a Prince who has no use for either the Jews or American Christians. Clearly, this is also the nose-of-the-camel-in-the-tent syndrome. Arafat, the E.U. and the U.N. want international monitors, euphemistically called "peace-keepers", put into the region so they may play the same accommodating role for the operative terrorists as they played in Lebanon. Is this to be another misleading Arafat pledge like his false promise to eliminate the words of calling for the elimination of the Jewish State of Israel in the Palestinian National Covenant and his practice of terror which was never voted on by the Arab Council and, therefore, never executed? The straight razor being handed to Israel is not to shave but to accomplish the repeated executions of Jews like Daniel Pearl. Recall Pearl’s last words: "I am a Jew. My mother is a Jew." - followed by a slashing of his throat, multiple stabbings, mutilation and beheading - the Muslim M.O. (Modus Operandi) towards Jews they have captured. Those who refuse to connect the dots will cause a catastrophe for Israel, because they fear that calling this a conspiracy may lower their credibility and prestige. They are dangerous fools of the first order. The simple fact that everything that has gone on in this world, good or bad, is the result of men sitting down to plan their next aggressive move against opponents (and thus is a conspiracy). In retrospect, all the grim happenings called history are actually conspiracies hatched for numerous reasons, especially political gains, money and power. History buffs accept the realities of conspiracy because it can be called history and is therefore ‘acceptable’. When it comes to looking forward to the future - such as the Palestinian Covenant being implemented to destroy Israel and the Jewish people, they cannot bring themselves to call it a conspiracy for fear of being labeled a dooms-day sayer or some other deprecating appellation. I can assure you that the present Diplomatic Frenzy to force Israel back to its pre-1967 armistice lines is, indeed, a conspiracy of many inter-linked vested interests. The latest ploy attributed to Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah is so transparent that even those gripped with the fever of the mirage of peace with a religious and savage Islam must at least be suspicious of this diplomatic frenzy. I wonder if those like Peres, Beilin and Sarid or those fellow travelers in the international community will consider committing ritual Hari Kari (suicide) if their plans have led to the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Jews. I think not - but hope they would. The anti-Israel Media has flung itself upon the lie of Abdullah, Tom Friedman and Colin Powell like a blue fly on a pile of garbage. Watch the Diplomatic Conspiracy unfold. Add to that the U.N., E.U., U.S. State Department and the entire phalanx of Jewish Leftists. If ever there was both an operational, well-planned conspiracy, plus a ‘de facto’ conspiracy, i.e. those who climbed aboard just for their hate of the Jews and their State, this is it. March 27th the Arab nations will be meeting to discuss many things important to Arabs and Muslims - such as the current low oil prices and the effect this has on their purchasing power for more weapons. Multi-national oil interests, in concert with the weapons’ industry, will be involved, trying to get the price of crude raised so their profits will increase and weapons’ orders by Arab/Muslim countries will once again be issued in quantity. The diplomats of the E.U., U.N., and the U.S. State Department are all working with Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Libya and, yes - even Iraq to urge them to issue a vaguely worded proclamation that, IF Israel puts her head on the block and withdraws to a size leading toward progressive oblivion, they will ‘recognize’ the Jewish State. These diplomats, along with their Arab counter-parts, know too well that whatever is promised by way of recognition - as in the word "Peace" or "Normalization" - will be summarily ignored by the Arab nations and radical Islamists. I am sure that one day this conspiracy to trap and bind Israel will become known as the "Perfect Storm of Diplomatic Frenzy and Perfidy". The only remaining question is: Will Israel, under dovish leadership, offer her neck to their straight razor? ### 1. "Dear Arab League" by Tom Friedman NEW YORK TIMES February 6, 2002 2, "An Intriguing Signal From the Saudi Crown Prince" by Tom Friedman NEW YORK TIMES February 17, 2002