What about Greater Palestine? By Berel Wein (November 9) There is an anecdote told about Chaim Weizmann, Israel's first president. It is probably apocryphal, but it has merit nonetheless. Weizmann had returned to London from an intensive visit to the Holy Land, where he had inspected Zionist pioneering efforts. He was asked by his colleagues in the Zionist movement of the Diaspora to assess the Zionist achievement. Weizmann responded "All of the lies that I have told over the years have turned out to be statements of truth." Well, we live in a generation where all of Weizmann's truths are being portrayed as lies. In a bitter article that passes for a book review, one of the champion breast-beaters of Israeli journalism writes: "We who were born afterward [after the War of independence], weren't told the whole truth; they only taught us the good parts, of which there were many. "But, after all, there were also dark chapters which we heard nothing about. Instead we were fed lies - there's no other word for it... They lied when they told us that all the 'infiltrators' were bloodthirsty terrorists, that all the Arab states wanted to destroy us and that we were the only ones who simply wanted peace all the time. They lied; oh, how they lied." Well, he is right that they lied to us. They told us that the Bible, which is our only basis and claim to any centimeter of this land, was written by a committee and really has no authority. It is nice literature and it was after all written in Hebrew so it has value but not validity. They lied to us when they denigrated everything that the Jewish people have accomplished in the Exile; when they ridiculed the "galut" Jew. They lied to us when they told us that Socialism and Communism were the wave of the future, that Stalin was the great "progressive father" of mankind, and that May Day was more important than Shavuot. They lied when they assured us that the State would solve the problem of antisemitism, that once we were "normal," secular and physically strong we would be accepted and secure. They lied; oh, how they lied! So the Lord, who always rewards humans measure for measure, has now brought the matter full circle. The children and heirs of the original founders have now done to them what they in their time did to their fathers: they have called them liars. So Israel is the cruel bully that the media and the Arab propagandists have always made us out to be. The invasion of Israel by the seven Arab armies in the War of Independence was justified. THE SIX DAY War was unnecessary. Yasser Arafat, the killer of the children of Ma'alot, is morally correct in allowing us to be shot at, stoned and blown up. For after all, we were not perfect! And if we were not perfect, then in the cockeyed logic of the self-haters, we should roll over and play dead. Why? Because we are not morally perfect in the eyes of those who so self-righteously proclaim that they never tell lies. The question that disturbs me is whether or not we are being lied to again. Is Arafat our partner for peace or for anything else? Do the Arabs, who never lie, really intend for us to take a million strangers into our country? Do they really see a Palestinian state that stretches from the Jordan to the Mediterranean? If Greater Israel is dead, what about Greater Palestine? To continue to foster false hopes and illusions about peace and a Middle East rose garden, illusions that have been disproven by the facts on the ground - is that not pernicious lying? And the worst fate of a liar is that he convinces himself of the truth of his lies. Thus, we have bent over backwards "understanding" the difficulties of Mr. Arafat and appreciating the "justified" rage of the teenage truants on the Arab street. We are believing their lies. Worse still, we are adopting their lies as our truths. And oh, how our enemies lie and lie and lie! Well, my friends, we should brace ourselves for a hard dose of truth. It no longer matters what happened in the Israeli wars of the past. It matters greatly what is happening in our current war. The hard truth is that wars are won by high morale and steadfastness, belief and vision. The further hard truth is that these commodities are currently in short supply amongst us. We have accepted so many lies over the past century of secularism and modernism that we cannot any longer assimilate the truths of Jewish history within ourselves. We are bereft of our greatest weapon and asset - our belief in our cause and our survival. Facing this hard truth may soon allow us to strengthen ourselves in time and win this war as we were able to do in the past. I certainly hope so.