Dancing in the Streets By Chuck Morse http://www.chuckmorse.com/dancing_in_the_streets.html March 2002 Arabs are dancing in the streets of Nablus as they celebrate the slaughter of Jewish babies coming out of a synagogue. Al Qaeda is regrouping in Afghanistan, Georgia, the Philippines and elsewhere as it prepares, according to US government sources, to inflict a worse Holocaust against the American people than the one they carried out on Sept. 11th. Muslims incinerate 87 people while firebombing a train transporting Hindus in India. The world is in a war that is more dangerous and potentially more deadly than World War II. What is the nature of the enemy? The enemy today is a toxic amalgam of fundamentalist Islam and Socialism not unlike the paganism and Socialism that made up Nazism. Perhaps every generation confronts a version of a world conquering socialist conspiracy. In the same way that an individual struggles to overcome evil, our nation, and likeminded nations who support freedom, must confront this international evil. Lets hope that this generation has the same moral compass and appreciation for liberty that the World War II generation displayed. Muslims are being used as suicidal foot soldiers in this war while leftists provide the propaganda. The fundamentalist Muslim believes he is commanded by his god to conduct Jihad against the infidel nations who refuse to submit. He believes that utopia is a world under the rule of Islam and that violence is necessary to bring it about. Communists began employing terror as a means of destabilizing the west in the early twentieth century. They advocated violence, or "struggle," as a means of ushering in a world under the rule of socialism. The socialist color red stands for the human blood they believe must be shed for what Marx called the "birth pangs" of their utopia. To fulfill their goal, the communists, with the tacit support of the international left, murdered over 100 million people. In 1970, the Soviet Union hosted the Baddawi conference in Lebanon, attended by terrorists from across the globe, where the groundwork was laid for a coordinated international campaign of terror against the free world that included strategies on financing, training and propaganda. A terror demonstration, a harbinger of things to come, followed the conference with the machine-gunning of a kindergarten in Maalot, Israel, where 25 babies would be, to use V.I.Lenin's term, "liquidated." The present actions against Israel are a microcosm of what's planned for the rest of the free world. The Islamic militias attacking Israel are trained, armed, financed and supported by the inheritors of Baddawi and Arafat's al-Fatah, originally a terror cell created in Moscow in the late 1950's. The present Holocaust is not to create a Palestinian state on the West Bank. This is the propaganda line of the left. The terrorists, in fact, refuse to recognize Israel. The occupation of much of the West Bank and Gaza ended in the early 1990's and Israel was in the process of recognizing a Palestinian state when the terror campaign was launched 17 months ago. Before the terror, Palestinians had enjoyed a level of prosperity dramatically superior to the squalid conditions predominating in the Arab and Moslem world. An international left that supports the dismantling of Israel aids fundamentalist Muslims who refuse to tolerate a non-Islamic nation in the Middle East. Israel is portrayed as the aggressor whenever it acts in self-defense. A moral equivalence is drawn between accidental civilian deaths that are an unfortunate byproduct of legitimate military action and the deliberate targeting of civilians. Whenever Israel acts to protect the lives of its citizens, the leftists bang the drum regarding Israel's disturbing "the peace process." The left, along with the Islamic enemy, blames the US for the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. They irrationally claim that American success results from the exploitation of Islamic and third world countries, which they claim justifies the attack. While many leftists may not be conscious of this, they are lending moral support to those who seek to destroy us. Their authoritarian political faith leads them down this path. Fundamentalist Islam, employing the methods patented by the left, is on the move and their violent dreams are made all the more lethal by their potential use of weapons of mass destruction.