I Am Ashamed by Nadia Matar Jerusalem, February 7, 2002 After hearing last night's news about the murder of Miri Ohana (45 years old) and her daugther Yael (10 years old) I simply cannot function. An Arab terrorist monster entered the yishuv of Hamra in the Jordan Valley dressed as an Israeli soldier and started shooting. His purpose was as usual: killing as many Jews as possible. He knocked at the Ohana's door; Miri saw it was an Israeli soldier....opened the door and he started shooting. Murdering her and her dear daugther Yael. I am sick to my stomach. No- not from what the Arab murderer did. We know what the Arab enemy is about. They are sick monsters who have no qualms murdering and butchering Jewish women, men, children and babies. No surprise there. I am sick to my stomach from Israel's non-response. I am sick to my stomach that the Arabs are performing pogroms against us and our Judenraat government does not do anything about it. I feel like screaming GEVAAAAAAAALT!!! Ribono shel Olam.....let me put it in big letters: A JEWISH MOTHER AND CHILD HAVE BEEN MURDERED IN THEIR HOME!!!! AND NOBODY CARES!!!!! NOBODY REACTS!!! No- the murder did not occur in Austria, not in Poland, not in Nazi Germany.....the pogrom occurred right here: in Israel. In the so-called "independent state of Israel". And the Israeli government does nothing about it. Only in Israel Jewish blood is cheap. Oh yes....do not worry. I am sure that the IDF will get permission to bomb one or two empty buildings in Shechem . And Sharon will give his usual bla-bla about what a bad boy Arafat is. But the truth is that NOTHING normal is being done about it. And that is why I feel so sick. I am so ashamed. I am so ashamed that we have a government that does not react when Jewish mothers and daugthers are being butchered. I am so ashamed that we have leaders who do not react when Arab murderers butcher guests at a Bat-Mitzva celebration. I am so ashamed that we have a people who allow this government to continue to function. A people that allow this government to lead us like sheep to the slaughter. Any normal people would rise up and revolt. I am so ashamed because I lied to my children. I mistakenly told them that after the Holocaust, the Jews came to Israel and created an "independent" state. A state where Jews will always be safe because the IDF will never allow the enemy to harm the Jewish People again. And now we see that all we accomplished was to create a little nebech ghetto called "Israel" on a small part of biblical Eretz Yisrael. At the head of this ghetto we have again a corrupt- criminal leadership, ruled by ghetto-minded shameful Jews - a leadership that cares more about what the "paritz" in Europe and the U.S. will say than about Jewish lives. I feel sick to my stomach and I am ashamed. But then I read about the little heroes among the Israeli people: the busdriver who, together with a passenger, overtook the terrorist on the Maaleh Adumim bus and prevented another massacre; the history teacher who, on miluim, endangered his life and caught a PLO truck full of missiles ready to be shot at our main cities. I read about those little heroes and I feel there is hope. IF and that is a big IF: IF the Jewish people will rise up NOW and go to the streets en masse demanding that we will not allow these pogroms to occur without completely destroying the terrorist infrastructure and expelling the Arab enemy - if the people will do so.... there is hope for a better future. IF the people will rise up and bring down this criminal government, there is hope to find a new leadership that will not be ashamed. A leadership of proud Jews that will declare: Eretz Yisrael belongs to the Jewish People and only to the Jewish People. On the other hand - if the people continues to be silent- then we only deserve what we get.